About Us
Founding of the CTUC Organization:
In the beginning, there was an organization CPTUA (Chicago Professional Tennis Umpires Association). The board of CPTUA and the Umpire’s Committee of the CDTA met on March 15, 1977. CPTUA was in substantial contraction, and the CPTUA board agreed to dissolve. It was determined that all officers and directors of the CPTUA would remain as the Umpire’s committee of the CDTA. Since the umpires committee is a standing committee of the CDTA, the chain of command starts with the USTA, the Western Section (renamed the Midwest Section), and the CDTA.
Some of the leaders of that merged organization included:
Marge Waldman Gene Davis
Stanley Diengott Pat Freebody
Patty Ingersoll Don Juenemann
Ron Kempner Art Leighton
Ralph Mansfield Chuck Meade
Lucy Zavesky
In 1979 the CTUC was formed out of the merged organizations. In the early years the CTUC typically had as many as 70 officials with about 40 very active ones. They supported several Tier I professional tournaments which were staffed by the Chicago chiefs, so people had many opportunities to gain line experience. That probably created interest and excitement which retained officials. Also, lines as well as chairs were done at small tournaments to help keep officials in practice and sharp.
The current reincarnation of the CTUC is a not-for-profit tax-exempt 501(c)(6) organization. Its purpose and function is to support Chicago-land tennis facilities, universities and colleges, and the Illinois High School State championships; and facilitate individual members’ employment as tennis officials. CTUC’s members are not its employees.
Arnie Villagomez
District Chair
President / was previously the CTUC President (and District Chair of Officials for Chicago AND Northern Illinois) for 12 years
Board Member
Board Member
Arnie Villagomez
Collegiate Contact (CDTA & NITA)
Midwest Section, Umpires